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The developer of the Fetch Automated Accounts Payable system that fully integrates with MYOB Exo has been busy adding more and more features that clients have been asking for.  Here’s the latest to be added to the application:Automated Reconciliation of Supplier State...
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The developer of the Fetch Automated Accounts Payable system has just released an exciting new feature - Fetch Statement Checking!Check all your Supplier invoices in MYOB Exo against the imported Supplier Statement in seconds and update Exo so that you know th...
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Turn your documents into data the fast and easy way with Fetch

Paying your accounts can be an expensive business – just how expensive can be quite a shock. Of course, it’s a necessary task, but it does use precious resources for no real return and it makes sense to look at a way to minimise this cost to your business both financial...
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